Chris Pedder, Chief Data Scientist at Obrizum

Chris Pedder has had a diverse career spanning research and technology. With a PhD in Theoretical Physics from Cambridge University and multiple postdoctoral roles in condensed matter physics, he has extensive academic experience, which mean he has experienced good and bad teaching practices first- hand. Chris transitioned to NLP, taking on roles like R&D lead at Kare Knowledgeware, principal engineer at Kidsloop, and most recently Chief Data Scientist at Obrizum. He’s passionate about the social impact of machine learning and upholding ethical standards in the field. Outside of work, Chris enjoys hiking, mountain biking, and skiing in the Swiss mountains.

Chris is presenting at World of Learning Summit seminar

Education in the age of Large Language Models (LLMs)
Tuesday 30th January, 15:30 – 16:00, Seminar theatre 2