There are an awful lot of myths in learning and development, and using video is no exception. Some of the myths I have heard recently include: it’s too expensive; it’s too complicated; it’s too open to abuse in the workplace. Yet none of these are necessarily true.

People generally love watching video – a staggering one billion hours of video are watched every day on YouTube alone. Watching videos online at home can be instructive, emotional, engaging, inspiring and entertaining. But – as many companies have discovered – you can also get this (longed for) engagement with staff by using video learning in the workplace. It’s about taking the YouTube model and adapting it, so that people learn at work how they do naturally at home.

According to research by Towards Maturity, 69% of organisations around the world now use best practice videos as part of a blended approach. If you’re in the minority, what are you waiting for? Can you afford to get left behind? Video learning really isn’t as expensive or complicated as you might think. Have a look at the following myths that I’ve heard over the last few years versus the reality.

Myth 1: “The only place to post videos is YouTube and it’s banned at our workplace.”

Look for a bespoke, secure platform offering relevant, trusted content, where you can also safely upload your own videos and keep them private to your company. Then there will be no cat videos to distract anyone! (Unless you really want them)

Myth 2: “Setting up video learning is a bit complicated, isn’t it?”

It shouldn’t be. Ask any supplier about their customer service – are you just buying a product, or are they committed to helping you set it up with minimum fuss? Does your supplier also offer ongoing support to help you embed video learning into your company culture, to make it a success?

Myth 3: “Video learning is sooo expensive.”

It doesn’t have to be. The cost of joining a pilot to Clear Lessons, For example, the cost of joining a pilot scheme such as Clear Lessons starts at just £5k for 1,000 employees. This includes full access to more than 500 leadership videos. We think that’s pretty good value, and what’s more, proceeds support the Clear Lessons Foundation, providing free video learning for UK charities.

Myth 4: “Video learning is all very well, but it’s an added extra and we’ll manage without it.”
Video learning is no longer the future, it’s what your workforce wants, needs and expects NOW. Just have another look at that YouTube statistic – a billion hours of video watched worldwide every day. That’s more than just a new trend. Can you really afford to not invest in video learning?

Myth 5: “The videos I’ve seen use actors and can seem a bit fake and perhaps a little patronising.”
I think you can spot something that’s not genuine pretty quickly: you just can’t beat authenticity. Look for videos that don’t use actors or scripts, that share good practice based on real experience. Adding your own in-house content, created by and starring your own workforce, will also help your staff identify with what you are offering.

Myth 6: “Won’t people just watch videos all day?”
I’ve spent more than 25 years working in learning and development, and I have never, ever seen that happen. Conversely, getting people to engage with learning, and take responsibility for their own development, can be a far greater challenge. Offering learning 24/7 in the video format people love is a great place to start, especially if they can access it on mobile devices. Videos should also be short and succinct (ideally no more than three minutes long) to help them solve challenges in the flow of work. And of course, you have to trust your staff!

I’d love to hear any more video learning myths, or more about your experience with video learning. Please get in touch with me via LinkedIn.

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